WIFI definiton and working


It is the most common wireless technology of the modern age. Many devices now operate on WIFI. Mobile Phones use this wireless network connection. IoT devices are also connected by WIFI. There are no physical connection in this case.

The network connectivity is provided by nodes in this technology. The sender and receiver exchange data with each other  by the help of radio frequency., To get connected by WIFI you must be in its range, That is not the case with the Ethernet connection. Public WIFI are also there in many places like airports, libraries, internet cafe and restaurants.

ad-hoc WIFI transmission:

It allows communication between 2 computers.


It refers to Tunnelled Direct Link Setup.It is also a communication mode over WIFI. Here the communication is not done by the access point, The devices can communicate directly.


You can connect many wireless devices to a LAN through a WAP. Here WAP refers to the Wireless Access Point. It is quite similar to a network hub.

Wireless network bridge:

Wireless network bridge holds the responsibly of establishing a connection between a wired and a wireless connection.


It is not only use for the purpose of connectivity. There are some more purposes hidden in its usage beside connectivity.

1)Your smart phone can work as a remote control device.
2)Files sharing
3)Wireless printing
4)Smart home


You can secure your connection by following these simple guild lines:

1)Change the name and password of your router form the default ones to a secured one. YOu can do it from your routers settings area These settings can be open up in your browser quite easily.
2)Make use of encryption.i.e activate the encryption. WEP is the most basic encryption mode that you cna enable for wireless security.
3)Use a VPN. VPN refers to the Virtual Private Network. Cyber ghost can also be used for the purpose of getting your connection secured.
4)Use firewall
5)Filter the MAC addresses. This will allow only trusted devices to connect to your network.
6)For security purpose you can reduce the range of your wireless signal . In this way not many people would connect to it.
7)Upgrade the firmware of your router
8)Choose the network with some care.

You can get more awesome details about this topic at: wireless connection


Nothing seems much enjoyable than a free public WIFI. People feel amused to get connected to it. But they don't know that their data is not secured by using this  free pubic connection. So you must avoid accessing your any private data from public network. This is because the data on such public network is easily hack-able,


One issue with the WIFI is that the signal gets weaker with the increase in number of users. You must use Channel scanner in order to connect to the best WIFI possible. WIFI range extender is also used to increase signal strength for better connectivity.
Some terms used with WIFI are defined below:

You can read some superb articles at:
online zappedia.com


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